1. Relief Menstrual Cramps
Omega 3 helps relieve pain and cramps
2. Improved Fertility
Fish oil fatty acids improve hormonal levels and increase blodd flow to the
uterus, thus the greater your odds of conceiving
3. Healthy Babies
Omega 3 fatty acids facilitate a healthy placental blood flow and the efficient
exchange of nutrients and oxygen between mother and baby
4. Pre-Eclampsia Prevention
Commonly known as high blood pressure during pregnancy. Fish oil helps to maintain
healthty blod pressure and reduces risks for mother and child
5. Full Term Babies
Fish oil fatty acids lowers the danger of premature birth, thus ensuring baby's
fully formed lungs and healthy birth weight
6. Child's Brain Development
DHA in fish oil ensures proper brain and motor skills development, increases
intelligence and improves eyesight
7. Relieves Postpartum Depression
Studies indicated a significant reduction of postpartum depression among women
who regularly consumes fish oil
8. Protects From Breast Cancer
Up to 50% lower risk of breast cancer as DHA is a natural anti-inflammatory agent
inhibiting cellular transformation and eliminates cancer cells
9. Minimizes Menopausal Symptoms
High content of fish oil can help women's body to cope with symptoms of menopause
10. Protection Againts Symptoms
daily diet containing fish oil fatty acid have been shown to lower the risk of
osteoporosis after menopause
11. Reduce Risk of Heart Diseases
EPA and DHA in fish oil fight against triglycerides, high blood pressure and
cholesterol, thus protecting from heart diseases
This product is a health food supplement, it is not intended for medication purposes. If symptoms persists, please consult a doctor
CNI Omega 3